What Can Web Development Do For You?

Learn about what web development is and how it can help you become a successful web developer. Find out how to become a web developer in just 12 weeks with the Web Development Bootcamp.

What Can Web Development Do For You?

Web developers are responsible for creating and maintaining websites, as well as managing the technical aspects of the site such as its performance and capacity. They can also create content for the site, and are often confused with web designers. Web development is a great option for those who love to learn new skills and take learning into their own hands. Web development involves using engineering concepts to develop software that provides specific functions.

It can be a collaborative effort between departments, and successful web developers share certain characteristics. Front-end development is responsible for what you can see on a website, while back-end development is the way in which that design is implemented on the web. Web developers must ensure that the site works on all web browsers, testing and updating as needed. They must also collaborate and communicate with other members of larger development teams, including software developers, web designers, project managers, and other interested parties.

Given the diversity of clients and their web-based products, as well as the range of specializations in front-end and back-end web development, a web developer can perform many roles. If you're interested in full web development, consider earning the IBM Full-Stack Developer Professional Certificate. To learn more about the Web Development Bootcamp and how you can become a web developer in just 12 weeks, talk to a learning advisor. If you're interested in testing programming to see if it's right for you, try programming for beginners and see if it makes sense. You can then be a good web developer.

Terry Konarik
Terry Konarik

Wannabe pizza ninja. Friendly travel enthusiast. Award-winning beer geek. Subtly charming travel ninja. Lifelong pop culture lover. Wannabe beer evangelist.

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